The accompanying bit by bit instructional exercise will furnish you with establishment directions for the Foe AIO Kodi Addon.
Foe AIO is a Kodi video addon that is viable with Kodi 19 Lattice.
It offers live events, movies, cartoons, and other streaming content.
Nemesis AIO Kodi Addon Installation
- Launch Kodi
- Click the settings
- Click System
- Hover over Add-ons menu item and turn on Unknown sources if not already on
- Click Yes
- Click back on remote to go back to the System page
- Select File Manager
- Click Add source
- Click <None>
- Type the following URL exactly how it is listed here – http://streamarmy.co.uk/repo/ and click Ok
- Highlight the box under the source that you just typed in and enter a name for this media source, type “sa” or any other name you would like to identify this source as and click OK again
- Click your back button on the remote or keyboard until you are back on the System screen
- Choose Add-ons
- Click Install from zip file
- When prompted with the following message, click Yes
- Choose sa or another name you assigned the media source in the previous step
- Click the most recent zip file URL
- Wait for the “Stream Army Repo Add-on installed” message to appear
- Click Install from repository
- Choose Stream Army Repo
- Click Video Add-Ons
- Select NemesisAio
- Click Install
- Click OK
- Wait for the Nemesis AIO Add-on installed message to appear
- Return back to the home screen of Kodi and under Add-ons choose NemsisAio
- The addon will now launch for use. In order to use Nemesis, we must generate a PIN code. Click OK
- On Any Browser, including Silk for Firestick users, go to pinsystem.co.uk and scroll down to click Generate A Pin Code
- Click to View Pin
- Write down or remember your provided PIN Code
- Return to the Nemesis Kodi Addon and enter your PIN and click OK
- You now have access to the Nemesis home-screen
- Enjoy!